Getting Unstuck | Helping busy moms lose weight, fight anxiety and reduce stress
The GO TO PODCAST for moms looking for short, power-packed shows full of encouragement, Biblical wisdom, and practical action steps to live a truly healthy life. Jennie-Laurie loves to dig into the Bible for real-life solutions to your everyday issues. Each episode is packed with easy, practical steps to help you lose those stubborn pounds, reduce your stress, and trade that anxiety you are carrying for God’s kind of peace. If you have been trying your best when it comes to healthy habits, but still feel like you are being pulled in too many directions, then this is the podcast for you! Find out what God says about healthy living, and get simple approaches to reduce stress and anxiety, achieve sustainable weight loss, and grow closer to God while you do it. Jennie-Laurie has been called “your spiritual big sister” because of her tell-it-like-it-is approach to guiding women through tough life challenges using Biblical wisdom wrapped in compassion. If you’re sick of di...

Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
One of the most common things I help my clients with is finding true peace in their lives. At our core, that's what we really want, isn't it?!!
What good is losing weight or being more productive if you aren't at peace?
Today, I am sharing my 4 step framework to finding peace in the chaos. Grab a notebook and pen for this one!
P.S. Need some personalized help when it comes to finding peace in your life? Book a free call with me HERE
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Just scroll all the way down to "Ratings & Reviews", and tap 5 stars to rate, or scroll a little further down to the small square that says "Write a Review". Thank you!

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Who has a love/hate relationship with sugar?
Of the hundreds of women I have worked with over the years, I would say at least 90% of them would raise their hands and say yes. And that used to be me!
For many years, I had an ongoing fight with sugar - I’d restrict it and then binge and it felt like I had no control. I can happily say that I have found complete peace with sugar, and it feels amazing.
And today I am going to share the 3 keys to making this a reality in my life, so that you can do the same thing! Woot woot!
Let's get to it!
Next steps: Apply for a free health coaching session HERE

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
When you think about weight loss, there are three major pieces of the puzzle - food, exercise, and mindset.
So which one is the most important? I would argue that it’s your mindset.
You can have a meal delivery service and a personal trainer who comes to your home gym and still struggle to lose weight. Why?
Because you have endless opportunities to sabotage yourself with food. But never fear! I have a really tactical episode for you today where we will look at a simple mental shift that is a HUGE help when it comes to making healthy changes in your life.
Even if you don’t struggle with food choices, keep listening because this method can be used to help you win the mental battle with any bad habit that you want to change. Let’s get to it!
Next steps: Book a free clarity call HERE

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
I have sat around so many tables with women, and had hundreds of conversations with moms about weight loss.
And I know that many of you want to lose weight or get in better shape. But you haven’t.
Maybe you started, and got stuck. Or took two steps forward and one step back. And why is that?
Most women would say it’s lack of time, money, or motivation. I’m here today to tell you it’s none of those things.
Stick around, and I’ll tell you the real reason why you aren’t losing weight! Let's get it!
Next Steps:
Looking for weight loss this summer? Apply for The Next 5 Pounds coaching program HERE

Tuesday May 28, 2024
Tuesday May 28, 2024
Most of the women I work with are fighting some form of anxiety or anxious thoughts.
Whether it’s full blown panic attacks, generalized anxiety, or constant worries and fears that can take hold and start to grow - anxiety is something most of us are more familiar with than we would like to be.
I was a super anxious person before I really even knew the term anxiety. And I remember exactly how I got out of that prison, and continue to stay out of it. That is what I am sharing today!
So get ready to learn my #1 key to fighting the beast that is anxiety! Let’s get to it!
Next Steps:
Looking for weight loss this summer? Apply for The Next 5 Pounds coaching program HERE

Tuesday May 21, 2024
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Where are my stressed out mamas? 🙋🏼♀️ Raise your hand!
This one is for YOU! I know you don't have ANY extra time in your day, so I am sharing 3 simple ways that I destress, in 2 minutes or less. Who doesn't want to do that?!
Here's to getting through Maycember, and kicking off summer right!
Next Steps:
Ready to lose the weight? Apply for The Next 5 Pounds coaching program HERE

Tuesday May 14, 2024
Tuesday May 14, 2024
When you’ve been losing weight for a few weeks or months, a plateau can be really hard to take. If you feel like no matter what you do, the scale won’t move - that’s ALL KINDS of frustrating.
Maybe you've even gained a pound or two, and the panic has set in. It can be tempting to give up when this happens. Why put in all this work with nothing to show for it?
This week, I am going to help you look at your weight loss journey with a new perspective so you can stay encouraged and motivated, no matter what the scale says.
Here we go!
Next steps:
Apply for The Next 5 Pounds coaching program HERE
Leave a review for the show HERE (scroll all the way down!)
Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Leave it for me HERE

Tuesday May 07, 2024
Tuesday May 07, 2024
The most common problem I hear from clients when it comes to exercise is CONSISTENCY.
When you are trying to start a new habit, your brain is going to throw all the reasons at you why this new change is not important.
In this episode, I break down a 3 super tactical things you can do that will make it easier and more fun to get your workouts in, AND stay consistent with your plan.
Get excited!!
Next Steps: I am currently accepting new clients into The Next 5 Pounds coaching program!
Learn more and apply here:

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
So many women come to me for coaching because they have started a weight loss journey, but it has stalled along the way - or started going backwards.
Sometimes it’s lack of accountability, or an unrealistic nutrition and exercise plan.
But sometimes, it’s the dreaded and feared SELF-SABOTAGE. Today I am going to talk about some of the biggest reasons why this happens!
It’s one of the most frustrating places to be in your weight loss journey, so let’s get some awareness of the traps, so you don’t fall in!
Your coach,
Next steps: I have ONE free weight loss coaching session left for May, so get your application in now!
Apply here:

Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
When you think of weight loss and food, what comes to mind?
For most of us, it’s things like salad, veggies, and maybe some really bland looking chicken. Not the most enjoyable experience.
Many times it’s the opposite. More like dreading your food and being deprived. But that isn’t the way it has to be!
Today, I am going to show you how God’s design of our bodies and food actually leads us to some really helpful lessons on how to lose weight and really LOVE what you are eating while you do it.
Sounds good, right? Let’s talk about it!
Next steps: I have ONE free weight loss coaching session remaining for May! Apply by 4/30 to be considered.
Apply here: