Getting Unstuck | Helping busy moms lose weight, fight anxiety and reduce stress

The GO TO PODCAST for moms looking for short, power-packed shows full of encouragement, Biblical wisdom, and practical action steps to live a truly healthy life. Jennie-Laurie loves to dig into the Bible for real-life solutions to your everyday issues. Each episode is packed with easy, practical steps to help you lose those stubborn pounds, reduce your stress, and trade that anxiety you are carrying for God’s kind of peace. If you have been trying your best when it comes to healthy habits, but still feel like you are being pulled in too many directions, then this is the podcast for you! Find out what God says about healthy living, and get simple approaches to reduce stress and anxiety, achieve sustainable weight loss, and grow closer to God while you do it. Jennie-Laurie has been called “your spiritual big sister” because of her tell-it-like-it-is approach to guiding women through tough life challenges using Biblical wisdom wrapped in compassion. If you’re sick of di...

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Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

To workout or to hit snooze? That is the question!
And today, I have the answer. Which is actually to ask yourself better questions!
There are multiple factors that go into deciding whether morning workouts are the best bet for you. So keep listening, and I’ll help you figure it out!
Let's get it!
Next steps: I am now taking applications for free health coaching sessions this month. I will be selecting 3 women to receive a free session, so get your application in now!
Apply here:

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

If you have ever wanted to throw your phone into the ocean and be done with it forever, today is your day!! I am giving you the keys to phone freedom, so you never have to feel that way again.
The 4 step digital detox I am sharing today is life changing, and I have a super valuable resource that I am GIVING AWAY, so buckle up and get ready. This is a good one!
Your coach,
Next Steps: Download your free Digital Detox guide HERE

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024

When is the last time you took a purposeful look at how your phone use is affecting your life?
Most of us get swept up in the business of day to day, and our phones and social media are just part of how life works now. So we don’t question them as often as we probably should.
In this episode, I am giving you the red flags to look out for in your digital life that can be a signal that it’s time for a detox.
Let’s get to it!

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

We all know social media has been under some scrutiny over the past few years for being addictive and stealing our time away. But there is more to it than just some wasted time.
Over the past few years, I have gone from using social media multiple times a day to almost never, and today I am sharing some of the reasons why. Let’s dive in!
Next steps: I am giving away 3 free health coaching sessions this month!
Apply here:

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024

Have you ever eaten something purely out of habit? Maybe you always end a meal with something sweet. Or you have a little bowl of cereal or popcorn after dinner when you’re watching TV.
There are so many ways that food can be intertwined in our daily habits, and it often has nothing to do with hunger. I am about to teach you how to break bad habits the easy way.
Get out your pen and paper to take some notes! Let's go!
Next steps: I am giving away 3 free health coaching sessions this month, so get your application in now!
Apply here:

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024

When you are super stressed, have a deadline on the horizon, or you are feeling overwhelmed in your day, what do you do to feel better?
If you answered “go find some carbs” you are in the right place today! Because we are talking all things emotional eating.
I have done it. I have conquered it. And I have helped other women overcome it too! So get ready to take notes because this episode has the power to change your life.
Next steps: I am now taking applications for my free health coaching sessions. I will be selecting 3 women to receive a free session this month, so get your application in now!
Apply here:

Tuesday Mar 05, 2024

When it comes to your eating habits, have you ever said to yourself “I’ll start fresh on Monday”?
Or maybe you’ve fallen into the rut of seeing foods as good or bad. Seeing nutrition as all or nothing. This happens to women ALL THE TIME. And it is a frustrating way to interact with food.
You get stuck in this cycle of on again, off again, over and over. And it feels impossible to escape without just giving up on trying to be healthy altogether.
Today, we are going to tackle this mindset head on, and the simple steps that will help you to break out of the cycle. These are some golden nuggets I’m giving you today, so get a paper and pen to take some notes!
Let’s break this down!
P.S. I'm still accepting applications for a FREE health coaching session in March!

Tuesday Feb 27, 2024

Have you ever felt like food was controlling your thoughts in some way? I have so much compassion for this issue, not only because I have struggled with it in the past, but because it’s something you have to contend with at least 3 times a day, every single day of your life.
Food is not something we can just give up.
Having a relationship with food is part of being a human being. Today, I am going to uncover the 3 main ways that food tends to get bossy and controlling, and of course, what God says about how we can break free!
Get ready to feel more hopeful,
Next steps: Applications for my next round of free health coaching sessions is OPEN!
Apply here:

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024

You can be reading your bible, praying, listening to sermons, journaling….doing ALL the things that you think should add up to being a person of strong faith....
But you would be missing something.
And that something, is meeting on a regular basis, in person, with other believers. Otherwise known as church.
Whether you are a regular church goer, hit and miss, or you never go, this episode is for you. We are going to dive into what God says about church, and how that is going to affect your faith. Get ready for a perspective shift around how you look at Sunday mornings.
Let’s go!
Next steps:
Want a free health coaching session with me in March? Apply here! 👇🏼

Tuesday Feb 13, 2024

For a long time, prayer was just another item on my to do list. It was boring, if I’m being honest. And I started to question why I was doing it at all.
I have a feeling that I am not the only one who has had this experience with prayer. Maybe you are there right now.
I am bringing some really good news today! Prayer can be vibrant and life giving and life changing. And that can start right now.
So buckle up and let’s talk about it!

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