Getting Unstuck | Helping busy moms lose weight, fight anxiety and reduce stress

The GO TO PODCAST for moms looking for short, power-packed shows full of encouragement, Biblical wisdom, and practical action steps to live a truly healthy life. Jennie-Laurie loves to dig into the Bible for real-life solutions to your everyday issues. Each episode is packed with easy, practical steps to help you lose those stubborn pounds, reduce your stress, and trade that anxiety you are carrying for God’s kind of peace. If you have been trying your best when it comes to healthy habits, but still feel like you are being pulled in too many directions, then this is the podcast for you! Find out what God says about healthy living, and get simple approaches to reduce stress and anxiety, achieve sustainable weight loss, and grow closer to God while you do it. Jennie-Laurie has been called “your spiritual big sister” because of her tell-it-like-it-is approach to guiding women through tough life challenges using Biblical wisdom wrapped in compassion. If you’re sick of di...

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Tuesday Feb 06, 2024

How many times have you tried to pick up your bible to read it, and after a few minutes, you started falling asleep? Or maybe you kept getting distracted and forgot what you just read.
I’m not gonna sugar coat it - the Bible can feel boring at times.
I'm not saying it IS boring. I'm saying it FEELS boring.
Really big distinction there!
In this episode, I am going to share the shifts I made in how I look at the bible, how I read the bible, and how you can do the same things to see your life changed in a big way.
Get excited!!

Tuesday Jan 30, 2024

Have you ever felt like God is nowhere to be found in your life? Maybe you hear other people talking about having a close relationship with God, but have never experienced that yourself.
I have been there. It can feel lonely and frustrating. Today I am going walk through 3 reasons why you might be feeling this way, and what you can do to get yourself on a path to seeing more evidence of God in your life.
Get excited!!
Next steps:
One day left to apply for a free health coaching session in February!
Apply here:

Tuesday Jan 23, 2024

Tell me if this sounds familiar…
You’ve been eating a balanced diet. You’ve been walking or working out a few days a week, maybe even lifting some weights. You had salad for lunch and skipped free cookies at work.
You step on the scale, and NOTHING. Zero change.
The frustration is real, and you want to give up. Why are you even doing this? Why are you putting yourself through these disciplines if you don’t have anything to show for it?
That’s what we are talking about today. I’m going to give you the keys to staying motivated when that scale is not your friend.
Here we go!
Next steps: ONE WEEK LEFT to get your application in for a free health coaching session in February. I will be selecting 3 women to receive a free session, so get your application in now!
Apply here:

Tuesday Jan 16, 2024

If you hop on Instagram for more than 2 minutes, you will probably see a post telling you what magic new food you need to eat to prevent cancer or help you lose weight or 14 other things it can help with. The pressure to keep up is real!
Today, I am going to release some of that pressure for you. Get ready to breathe a sigh of relief and feel a little more peaceful about your food choices today!
Let’s get it!
Next steps: I am now taking applications for my free health coaching sessions in February. I will be selecting 3 women to receive a free session, so get your application in now!
Apply here:

Tuesday Jan 09, 2024

If you’re anything like me, you have gone through seasons where you exercised regularly, and seasons where you have taken an extended break for one reason or another.
Between injuries, illnesses, and the holidays, you might have lost your rhythm over the past few months and fallen off your routine. When you lose that momentum, it can be hard to restart, and do it well.
Today, I’m giving you a few mindset shifts and modifications to help you get back in the saddle and start seeing the benefits of regular exercise again.
You've got this!
Next steps:
I am taking applications for my free health coaching sessions in February. I will be selecting 3 women to receive a free session, so get your application in now!
Apply here:

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024

Happy New Year, my friend!
You’ve had all the family get togethers, the gifts have all been unwrapped, the friends and family have all gone home. For most of us, the holiday celebrations are over.
Anytime you have a big event with lots of people and energy and fun, there is a natural letdown afterwards. Or maybe you had great expectations for the season, and it was a disappointment this year.
However things went down at your house, you can find yourself feeling a little blah after the holidays. In this episode, I am going to walk you through a few simple steps to get yourself out of that funk, and feeling more energized and encouraged as you head into the new year.
Let's go!
Next steps: Book your free clarity call at

Tuesday Dec 26, 2023

This is the time of year when everyone decides to jump on the goal setting bandwagon. 2023 is about to be in the rear view mirror, and you might have decided it’s time to make some changes.
In this episode I’m going to show you why most New Year’s resolutions fail, and teach you a simple way to kick off 2024 with a plan that will actually make you healthier and happier.
Let’s get it!
P.S. ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT TO APPLY for a free health coaching session in January. Get your application in now:

Tuesday Dec 19, 2023

December can be a tough month for your marriage. The kids’ activities are off the chart, the in-laws are staying with you, you have a thousand gifts to buy and wrap - it's a lot.
When it comes to communication with your spouse, it's easy to fall into bad habits and find yourself arguing more often.
This week I want to show you a simple way to prevent or diffuse arguments, so you can be the partner you really want to be!
Next steps: I am now taking applications for my free health coaching sessions in January. I will be selecting 3 women to receive a free session, so get your application in now!
Apply here:

Tuesday Dec 12, 2023

When I talk to women about their nutrition habits, one of the biggest issues that comes up is sugar. And this time of year, sugar is EVERYWHERE.
You might have tried to “quit sugar” before in ways that didn’t work for you. If you tell yourself you can never have something again, it’s going to be the first thing you think about when you wake up.
Today, I am teaching you the smart way to kick sugar to the curb and take your control back! Get excited!
Next steps: I am now taking applications for The Next 5 Pounds coaching program. Whether you want to lose the first 5 pounds, the last 5 pounds, or bust through a plateau in the middle - this is for you!
Learn more and apply: HERE

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023

It’s super easy to get swept up in the world’s version of Christmas. It’s everywhere you look!
You have to swim upstream a little bit to keep the real reason for the season a central part of your holiday traditions.
Today I am sharing some simple and fun ways to keep Jesus in your Christmas plans this year!
Your coach,
Download your free guide with all the links and details from today’s episode:

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