Getting Unstuck | Helping busy moms lose weight, fight anxiety and reduce stress

The GO TO PODCAST for moms looking for short, power-packed shows full of encouragement, Biblical wisdom, and practical action steps to live a truly healthy life. Jennie-Laurie loves to dig into the Bible for real-life solutions to your everyday issues. Each episode is packed with easy, practical steps to help you lose those stubborn pounds, reduce your stress, and trade that anxiety you are carrying for God’s kind of peace. If you have been trying your best when it comes to healthy habits, but still feel like you are being pulled in too many directions, then this is the podcast for you! Find out what God says about healthy living, and get simple approaches to reduce stress and anxiety, achieve sustainable weight loss, and grow closer to God while you do it. Jennie-Laurie has been called “your spiritual big sister” because of her tell-it-like-it-is approach to guiding women through tough life challenges using Biblical wisdom wrapped in compassion. If you’re sick of di...

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How to stop December overwhelm

Tuesday Nov 28, 2023

Tuesday Nov 28, 2023

No one wants to feel overwhelmed at Christmastime, but somehow, most of us end up there.
The truth is, the chaos of the season happening around you might not be unavoidable, but the feeling of overwhelm and living your day-to-day life at a ridiculous level of stress is 100% avoidable.
Today, I’m going to show you how!
Let’s get unstuck,
Book your FREE call:
I am opening my schedule for 3 FREE Time Management Calls this month! Hop on the phone with me for 30 minutes, and I will help you streamline your schedule for less stress and more peace!

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023

We all know that the holidays bring out some of the best and the worst of humanity. It's a time of year that intensifies everything.
And sometimes it’s hard to avoid the drama.
Family, kids, finances - whatever kind of drama you might have had in the past, I’m giving you the tools in this episode to help things run more smoothly this year.
We can all use that, am I right? Can I get an amen?
See you inside,
Next steps:
Book your FREE call:
I am opening my schedule for 5 FREE Clarity Calls this month! Hop on the phone with me for 30 minutes at no charge, and I will help you find perspective, peace, and the next right step you need to take!

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023

Hey friend! If you’re having a tough time balancing all the things right now, join the club.
When the world talks about work/life balance for moms, it’s usually all about how many hours you’re working, making time for yourself, and avoiding the dreaded mom guilt - all important things.
But today, I want to talk about how to partner with God to find a holy alignment for your family. Whether you work outside the home or not, I am sharing a 5-step framework for making decisions and living your life in a way that gives you both purpose and peace.
This one is golden, so get your notebook out!
Your coach,
>>Book your free Clarity Call now:
I am opening my schedule for 5 FREE Clarity Calls this month! Hop on the phone with me for 30 minutes at no charge, and I will help you find perspective, peace, and the next right step you need to take!

Tuesday Nov 07, 2023

Sickness is one of the most frustrating and discouraging things we have to face. It disrupts our lives, causes pain, costs money, and never comes at a good time.
But there are a few things you can do to make sure sickness doesn’t take you all the way down. I have lots of personal experience that has given me insights in this area that I’m excited to share with you today.
So come with me to find some sunshine in the storm.
Next steps:
I am opening my schedule for 5 FREE Clarity Calls this month! Hop on the phone with me for 30 minutes at no charge, and I will help you find perspective, peace, and the next right step you need to take!
Spots are limited. Book your call now:

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023

Is your patience running a little thin, but you’re not sure why?
Your home is supposed to be your haven to relax and let your guard down. But sometimes it feels like the opposite!
If you want to get your home feeling peaceful before the whirlwind of the holidays takes over, I’ve got you!
In this episode I walk through 3 hidden ways your home is stressing you out, and of course, how to fix it!
Next steps:
I am opening my schedule for 5 FREE Clarity Calls this month! Hop on the phone with me for 30 minutes at no charge, and I will help you pinpoint what is stealing your peace, and the next right step you need to take!
Spots are limited. Book your call here:

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023

The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar machine that is feeding you information and marketing to you EVERYWHERE you turn. The overload is real, and the messages aren’t always healthy.
Today I am unpacking 3 Biblical keys to weight loss that you aren’t going to see in your Instagram feed. God always has answers to our problems, we just have to stop and look for them!
Get ready to find clarity and feel a lot more peaceful about how you approach weight loss!
Your coach,
Next steps:
LAST CHANCE to join Wisdom and Weight Loss! Doors are closing soon!
I have taken my 1:1 health coaching framework and turned it into a 6-week group coaching experience. Perfect timing with the holidays coming up!
We will be partnering with God to work on our relationship with food, our weight, our bodies, and how we approach living a healthy life.

Tuesday Oct 17, 2023

Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt actual hate towards your own body? Maybe you’ve used words like “gross”, “disgusting”, or “fat” to describe yourself.
I’m bringing some truth today to shed light on what God says about your outward appearance, and how you can get in alignment with Him and start treating your body with the kindness you deserve.
Next steps:
LAST WEEK to join Wisdom and Weight Loss! I have taken my 1:1 coaching framework and turned it into a 6-week group coaching experience.
We will be partnering with God to work on our relationship with food, our body, and how we approach living a healthy life.
Introductory pricing will save you BIG. Get started here:

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023

Hey friend! If you’re having a tough week and feel like God is far away, this one’s for you.
I’m going to walk you through a perspective shift that will help you get out of that funk, reconnect with God, and start to feel more excited about life.
This episode packs a powerful punch. Let’s go!
Your coach,
P.S. The Wisdom and Weight Loss GROUP coaching program is OPEN! I have taken my 1:1 coaching framework and turned it into a 6-week group coaching experience!
Whether you need to lose 50+ lbs or you are just tired of struggling with food and want to give this area of your life to God, this is for you.
Introductory pricing will save you BIG.
Get started here:

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

When you think about healthy weight loss, you instantly think of diet and exercise. And those ARE two of the biggest factors in the calories in, calories burned equation.
But there is a lot more nuance to finding a healthy lifestyle that supports weight loss or healthy weight maintenance, and it doesn’t have to involve the gym or even doing “workouts” as you might think of them.
So if you’re someone who doesn’t love exercise, can’t find time to fit it in, or can’t do traditional exercise due to an injury or chronic illness, you will want to listen in today.
I’m going to show you how you can safely and effectively burn more calories without lifting a dumbbell. Let’s go!
Your coach,
Next steps:
My Wisdom and Weight Loss coaching program is OPEN! I will help you reprogram your thoughts and start losing weight God’s way through video trainings, group coaching, and small group accountability pods.
Get started here:

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023

If you could wave a magic wand and change something about yourself instantly, what would it be?
For over half the women I talk to, they would lose weight.
If you’ve tried to lose weight over and over and nothing seems to work…
If you’ve lost weight only to gain it back….
If extra pounds are making you uncomfortable in your own skin…
I have a word for you.
In this episode, I am bringing some tough love wrapped in compassion. And for some of you, I believe this episode will be a HUGE breakthrough!
XO, Jennie-Laurie
Next steps:
My Wisdom and Weight Loss coaching program is OPEN! I will help you reprogram your thoughts and start losing weight God’s way. Your first call is free.
Get started here:

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