Getting Unstuck | Helping busy moms lose weight, fight anxiety and reduce stress
The GO TO PODCAST for moms looking for short, power-packed shows full of encouragement, Biblical wisdom, and practical action steps to live a truly healthy life. Jennie-Laurie loves to dig into the Bible for real-life solutions to your everyday issues. Each episode is packed with easy, practical steps to help you lose those stubborn pounds, reduce your stress, and trade that anxiety you are carrying for God’s kind of peace. If you have been trying your best when it comes to healthy habits, but still feel like you are being pulled in too many directions, then this is the podcast for you! Find out what God says about healthy living, and get simple approaches to reduce stress and anxiety, achieve sustainable weight loss, and grow closer to God while you do it. Jennie-Laurie has been called “your spiritual big sister” because of her tell-it-like-it-is approach to guiding women through tough life challenges using Biblical wisdom wrapped in compassion. If you’re sick of di...

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Decluttering can be so freeing and therapeutic, and bring a higher level of peace in your home and your life.
But it can also be overwhelming to think about, and difficult to start doing.
In this episode, I break down a simple 3-step process to help you manage your home well, and tackle clutter the easy way! Woot woot!
Your coach,
Next steps:
Clutter isn’t just physical. It’s mental, too. If your life feels overwhelming right now, I am offering 5 free clarity calls this month. I help you sort through your current challenges, and get clarity on exactly what you need to prioritize to create more peace, joy, and fulfillment in your life.
Get started here:

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Do you feel like clutter is an inevitable part of life? Just something that will always be there, so why bother trying to tackle it?
Or maybe you think you’re already pretty good at decluttering. I thought I was too, until I found another level.
In this episode, I unpack the mindset shifts I made that led to a much higher level of peace in my home and in my life.
Let’s go!
Next steps:
Clutter isn’t just physical. It’s mental and spiritual, too. If your life feels overwhelming right now, I am offering 5 free clarity calls this month.
I help you sort through your current challenges, and get clarity on exactly what you need to prioritize to create more peace, joy, and fulfillment in your life.
Get started here:

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Hey friend! Have you ever struggled with…
Panic attacks
Generalized anxiety
Worries that spiral out of control
If so, this episode is for you. I’m going to walk you through a mental exercise that you can use over and over again to help you cast your cares on God, and get control over your thoughts. Let’s do this!
Your coach,
Next steps:
Book your free 1:1 session:

Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Where are my Enneagram 1 ladies?? If you identify as a perfectionist, achiever, over-thinker, or rule follower, this one is for you.
In today's episode, we are tackling perfectionism and all the baggage that can come with it. You should always do your best, but not to the level that it starts to hold you back, slow you down, or even create idols in your life.
In this episode I share…
The pitfalls of perfectionism
What the Bible says about how to avoid those pitfalls
How you can start living with more joy and freedom today
You’ve got this!
XO, Jennie-Laurie
Book your free coaching session:

Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Facebook, Instagram, TikTok…Oh my!!! If social media is a part of your life, but you have a love/hate relationship with it - listen up!!
In this episode I share…
Some of the obvious and more subtle ways social media can impact your mental health
What God says about comparison, fear, and your thought life
Steps you can take to protect yourself and still enjoy the positive aspects of your favorite social apps
These apps are designed to be addictive, but you do NOT have to let them boss you around! You can take your power back today. I pray this episode gives you a breakthrough!
XO, Jennie-Laurie
While we’re on the topic of mental health and your thought life, my work as a coach is focused on helping women work through fear, anxiety, and stress to find a whole new level of peace in their lives. If you feel stuck on the struggle bus, I’d love to invite you to hop on a free clarity call to see how I can help!
Schedule your free call here:

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Hey there! Are you feeling a little “ho hum” about your marriage these days? Maybe you’re feeling more like roommates, and the passion seems to have disappeared. Don’t despair!
In this episode I share…
Why your marriage can so easily fall into a rut (and why it’s not your fault!)
What God says about keeping the spark alive
3 simple ways to start moving in the right direction
You didn’t marry the wrong person, you just need a reboot. I’ve got you!
Your coach, J-L

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Hey friend! Ever told yourself “On Monday, I’ll get back on track”? If so, this one’s for you!
In this episode I share…
Why getting back on track with food feels so exhausting
What you can do to stop the cycle
How to have a biblically based “why” behind your nutrition plan
Simple boundaries that will bring you freedom
It doesn’t have to be a yo-yo that never ends. Let’s fix this thing!
XO, Jennie-Laurie
Do you need help finding a healthy, sustainable nutrition plan? I’m excited this Fall to be offering a limited number of FREE Wisdom and Weight Loss consultations!
Apply here:

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Are you thinking about starting a healthy habit? Listen to this first!
I am a HUGE fan of healthy habits, and a big part of my job is to help women build them into their daily lives. But there is ONE practice that I truly believe is a key to unlocking pretty much every other healthy habit. I’m gonna be unpacking this one more in the coming weeks, but we will start laying a foundation today!
In this episode, I am sharing…
How to prepare your environment to support healthy habits
The difference between decluttering and organizing
What God says about our stuff
First steps you can take this week to see immediate change
Releasing things can be so freeing. I hope you feel some extra peace this week!
Your coach, Jennie-Laurie
Donate to Impact pickup info (if you live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area):

Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Hey Friends! Do you ever feel stuck in life? Like somehow everyone else is moving forward, but you can’t get your ducks in a row?
Maybe you are on a quest to be healthy, but keep running into roadblocks. Or you wish you could get past your crippling anxiety, but don’t know where to start. Or your stress level is out of control and draining the life out of you.
Do you struggle to see how the bible can really help? Or wish you could learn how to hear from God in a way that actually changes you? If you’re ready to grow in your faith and apply simple, biblical concepts to move forward in your life, you’re in the right place!
I’m Jennie-Laurie Hope, and yes, I have two first names! I’m a Texas girl, wife, mom, and former actuary turned life and health coach. I spent thousands of dollars on doctors, chiropractors, holistic practitioners, bloodwork, labs, adjustments, acupuncture, supplements, and extreme diets over the course of several years in my own journey to find health, only to end up at rock bottom.
I know what it’s like to be raised in the church, be saved as a child, but be stuck in life as an adult, feeling far from God. I know what it’s like to give up on prayer because you just feel numb. I know the drowning feeling you have to fix everything yourself, but you just can’t.
Being on the other side of that valley now, I use the skills and experience I gained to help women learn to form a real and lasting relationship with Jesus so they can live out their purpose as a wife, mom, and woman of God. It’s my joy and privilege to help you find a true love of reading the word, prayer, and spiritual disciplines that lead to a richer experience with God.
God designed us to nourish ourselves with good food and move our bodies with exercise. He gave us amazing minds and cares about our mental health. He created us for community, and cares about our relational health. We are three parts - spirit, soul, and body. And those three parts function together and need to be included in a truly healthy life.
The Getting Unstuck podcast will encourage and equip you to step into the calling that God has for your life, living out your faith in whatever arena you find yourself in. Together we will break down walls that keep us from growing spiritually, and we will dig into our bibles to understand and connect the scriptures to all aspects of our life and health.
Join me for your weekly dose of real encouragement, biblical wisdom, and practical action steps.
This is Getting Unstuck.

Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Hey there!
In today's episode, I answer the question "What does it mean to be healthy?" Sounds like an easy question, but turns out, a lot of us don't have an answer that really satisfies!! If you've struggled with any aspect of your health, this is for you.
In this episode I share…
How I became stuck with a very narrow view of health
Where I have seen many other women struggle
What God says about living a healthy life
How you can get started today
I hope this blesses your life today!